
this is boring and not to be read but I want to leave it here anyway

I would say right now that I'm dealing with a handful of lists, unwritten lists whose exact number I can't really count, which might be because these lists that I'm bound to get round to are themselves on a list, on a to-do one.

The paper that I write do-to lists on are specifically designed as so. It must have been something I bought from if not the stationer's round the corner from the language school I work in then maybe the Tiger that's on a street corner of both two streets that I genuinely never wanted to check the names of in the centre. It sits near a gelateria on one side, the darker side, and trains and buses go past it, including the 3 which I never get because I don't know where it goes and I don't want to sort of go anywhere, as well as the 55 and the 15 if they're both running amongst a bunch of other transport lines.

Each sheet of A7 paper sticks to the other and needs to be peeled off but then when that's done I doubt it could be stuck well onto anything else. On top of every single sheet NOTE is written and initially I didn't like that until I realised that having been bought in Italy it probably wasn't the out-of-place singular English noun 'note' but the plural Italian version. The paper is an off green, and has only nine lines that are intended to be written on, with a margin to the left that looks too big.

I wish I could keep these lists down to the recommended space, because it would be a wonderful day were I to write nine or less, I swear. But what I end up doing is writing two tasks per line in caps but small, and end up with with a much longer list that usually doesn't get fully crossed off, which is mega frustrating if I consider the lists that I've actually wanted to write that I don't really get round to particularly if I've got

but I can only do that in a recycling place that's pretty far away where I run the risk of getting looked at strangely for being on foot with a dog on a lead pulling me faster than I would like to walk and where I'm only bringing two items (in this case), but they need to get out of the wardrobe eventually or

that are trainers and cream instead of white for the express reason of not having to clean them (it's not the only reason; there are also aesthetic reasons).

The lists I have are dated 27th August, 2024 (in numbers and dots instead of slashes) and they are plural stapled together because there is too much to fit comfortably on one page and I have to make it important that they stay together.